Today Agency's profile

Karel de Grote Hogeschool

About Karel de Grote Hogeschool

Most university colleges shape students to fit the job market. At KdG youngsters shape themselves, building their future with the basics they get from KdG. In this observation we found the building blocks for a resolute identity.

Because KdG differs from its rather exchangeable competitors, we couldn't let them make similar brand choices. We advised to create a truly unique identity, starting with an outspoken and custom-made typography.

The typography is playful, even imperfect – like students are, trying to find their way. It's how we express KdG's open mind towards creative experiment. It invites you and gives you the responsability to never stop building new shapes.

But this wildness needs to be balanced out.

Choosing basic black & white does just that – it shows clear confidence, adds gravity and highlights the formal pureness. Finally, a prominent colour accent is the bright and optimistic... unfinishing touch.

Karel de Grote Hogeschool

Karel de Grote Hogeschool
